School Streets Markings

School Streets Markings

school streets markingsSchool street designs markings see roads directly outside schools reclaimed from motorised traffic for a short time during drop off and pick up times to benefit children, families who walk, scoot or cycle and wider community needs. They reduce air pollution and road danger, encourage active travel and lead to healthier lifestyles.

A typical scheme will operate as a pedestrian and cyclist only zone during the operating times of the school day, and a reduced speed limit of 5mph applies within the area. Access for residents who live within the zone, blue badge holders and emergency vehicles is usually permitted.

Pedestrian crossing signs, speed signs and pavement markings remind drivers of the presence of children and the need to drive cautiously. Ideally, a zone will extend one to two blocks around the school and the immediate approach to it should be marked with special “school” signage to alert drivers to the presence of children.

Creating Pedestrian-Friendly School Streets: Design Ideas and Benefits

A ‘Rues aux Ecoles’ conversion involves permanently changing the physical character of a street with traffic barriers, bollards, paint and pavings to create safer, more attractive public space that’s suitable for children and people who want to walk, scoot or cycle. In London, for example, the conversion of more than 90 ‘Rues aux Ecoles’ is now complete. This is part of the city’s broader plan to reclaim large swathes of streets from motorised traffic and create better places to live, work and visit.

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